Demystifying the Fear of IoT and Its Security Issues

The Internet of Things (IoT) refers to everything that’s connected to the internet. Cars, smart home devices, watches, energy meters, appliances - they’re all connected to each other and the internet. This means there’s a whole lot of data that’s waiting to be utilised. Greater connectivity does raise cybersecurity questions that need to be considered.
Although IoT is still relatively new, it’s been around long enough for misconceptions to grow and spread. In this post, we’ll take a look at some of the most common myths we’ve encountered and separate the fact from fiction.
- Using the Cloud Increases Risk
- IoT Introduces More Vulnerabilities and Entry Points for Thieves
- It’s Easier to Manage Than People Are Saying
- It's Something for the Future
- There's Too Much Data to Manage
1. Using the Cloud Increases Risk
A few high-profile breaches involving the cloud have caused irreparable damage in the minds of some professionals. They believe it’s insecure and any kind of system which utilises the power of the cloud is a danger to their wider network. They’re worried thieves could easily access that sensitive data and customer information.
First and foremost, public, private and hybrid clouds are secure platforms. The famous breaches that caused negative feelings to grow involved human error rather than any successful hack on the cloud. If correct security practices had been followed, these instances would have never occurred.
For to survive in a digital economy, they have to embrace the cloud, IoT and a network of connected devices. This is the only way a business can boost efficiency with the resources it has.
Remember, cloud-based systems are constantly updated to combat evolving threats. They offer real-time monitoring and allow you to share the security knowledge of other experts.
2. IoT Introduces More Vulnerabilities and Entry Points for Thieves
This one does have some truth to it but IoT isn’t the ticking time bomb that some supporters of this myth would have you believe. Yes, IoT does increase the number of entry points into your network but that doesn’t mean thieves have easy access.
By following correct security measures, you can prevent any kind of infection spreading and reap all the benefits of IoT without dealing with an increase in attempted breaches.
Without them, one compromised device could quickly cause larger problems. If you’re unfamiliar with some of these security features, then seeking the help of an MSSP is the best course of action. They’ll be able to design and implement a bespoke security solution that manages IoT devices effectively.
3. It’s Easier to Manage Than People Are Saying
You could secure the network and business while dealing with the challenges of IoT by yourself but honestly, why would you? Going it alone means you’re shouldering all the responsibility of your organisation’s security. It’s just your IT team against thieves from all over the world who are targeting your network 24 hours a day in a myriad of different ways.
IoT does complicate things. It’s not impossible to deal with by any means but it presents a number of new challenges to your existing network. Working with an external partner eases the burden and ensures you’re protected from cyberattacks that target IoT devices.
MSSPs like PSTG work with a number of customers, sharing beneficial information across our whole portfolio. If we identify a new string of ransomware attacks or an increase in a particular kind of phishing scam, then we can let you know and educate your staff.
4. It's Something for the Future
It’s thought that around 127 devices are connected to the internet every single second. This completely destroys the myth that the IoT (and it’s accompanying security considerations) are a job for a day in the future.
The IoT isn’t an idea for the future, it’s something that’s far more widespread and current than people often realise. Sensors, microprocessors, network communicators - these are just a few examples of connected devices that are already in use.
With the modern world growing in connectivity and machines automatically talking to each other, there’s more data and connections for businesses to manage and utilise. More data means more opportunities which is why it’s so important for businesses to prepare.
Technologies will evolve further in the coming years but it’s clear that IoT is changing the way we operate right here and right now.
5. There's Too Much Data to Manage
Business Insider estimates that by 2025 there’ll be over 64 billion IoT devices. This has led some people to speculate that there’s just too much information for us to manage.
Although there’s no denying that the sheer volume of information will be colossal, it’s more about finding the most relevant data for a particular purpose. This rise in data is set to be followed by a similar surge in the managed security market which has grown at an annual rate of roughly 15%.
Businesses are coming to the realisation that there’s just too much to manage alone and are seeking external support.
Expert IT Security
We’re an MSSP that delivers bespoke and scalable security solutions. Think of us as a partner who’s available to help wherever and whenever we’re needed. We can shoulder the burden of IT security and blast through the jargon to provide an additional layer of support. IoT opens up a huge range of possibilities for your business, make sure your security is ready with PSTG.
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