Working with the MOD and other Government bodies

Interview with Jason Carver at PSTG
What’s your role in PSTG?
I’m leading the IT Solutions sales team responsible for our engagement with the Ministry of Defence (MOD) and the Crown Commercial Service (CCS) – both of whom I’ve worked with for many years.
Can anyone work with the MOD?
PSTG are registered on a UK Government framework so we are able to tender and supply IT hardware and services to the MOD and the public sector (PSTG provides services within the Crown Commercial Service’s Technology Product 2 (RM3733), Technology Services 2 (RM3804) and the G-Cloud 9 framework. Using the framework and tools like the Contracting, Purchasing and Finance (CP&F) tool - is the only way the MOD can buy technology products and services from us.
Why do the frameworks exist?
The European Union Procurement Regulations determine UK law for public sector procurement and alongside MOD procurement policy provide the main control framework.
This means that, as a public sector organisation, the MOD buy products and services in a different way to other industries. ‘Competition’ is the default position, and there are certain criteria that each tender has to meet – it makes sure the system is fair and the MOD gets the most competitive price - which is good for the tax payer, and the MOD benefit from a fair and efficient service from suppliers.
What are the IT shifts/ trends that you’re seeing with the MOD today? Has this changed over time?
This sector is an exciting one to work in – digitisation is accelerating at an unprecedented pace and the UK defence industry is no exception. Technology trends such as AI, which is taking on a more sophisticated role within defence strategy, technology platforms enabling more effective collaboration, and requirements for a modern and flexible workplace will only strengthen this position.
Managing some of the most complex and technologically advanced requirements in the world is not easy for the MOD, so by streamlining the contracting and procurement processes, we all benefit from a more effective and efficient way of doing business.
What solutions have PSTG supplied the MOD and CCS?
We provide a range of IT solutions under these frameworks - hardware – like PC’s for example, and software, along with a portfolio of cloud services for all areas of the public sector. Our relationships with a broad range of vendors ensures we can deliver not only more choice for our customers but at the most competitive price.