New service that helps assure your web services are reliable

Web Security Assessment Services
As reported across major news networks over the world, British Airways has suffered a data breach that not only includes customer data but also includes payment details. Details from 380,000 customers have been accessed by an unauthorised third party.
It’s likely that attackers have compromised a web service which is linked to payment services, however no specific details have been released yet so until then we can only speculate.
In this blog post, written by our security partner Xservus we look at the information reported by British Airways, guidance for customers from BA, ourselves and National Cyber Security Council (NSCS) but also we discuss the steps business’s should be taking to ensure they have a strong IT security risk and compliance posture, especially where customer data is concerned.
Websites using the WordPress content management system platform and its ecosystem count for over 55% of all open source CMS websites on the internet. Simple to manage, easy to customise and with a world of plugins it makes a great tool to enable customer engagement but also presents a potentially broad and deep security risk.
To help you improve your security posture regardless of where you are in your deployment of a WordPress enabled site (or other Content- managed websites) we have created a simple yet effective security assessment which covers key security capabilities, including standards such as cyber essentials, but also going beyond to ensure your business and its customers have the security and assurance their data is protected.
This service helps assure your WordPress implementations are reliable, robust and you understand what controls are in place, if they are effective and recommends if additional controls are required or if existing controls need hardening. In short, this assessment:
- Helps protect your customers and brand
• Reduces the likelihood of fines from regulatory bodies (e.g. the ICO)
• Assists with your journey for compliance with the DPA 2018, GDPR and other regulatory requirements (e.g. PCI DSS)
• Let’s you go to sleep knowing you have the people, processes and technology to operate a secure service for your customers
If you have a WordPress deployment and you want it validated, reviewed or simply want to check your controls are effective please give us a call or email and one of the account team will get in touch to discuss how we can begin the process of getting you together with one of our experienced consultants.
T: 0203 907 9500